Jump to: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Atlas Bishop Arts - $5 Bites + Lonestar Lager, $7 Cocktails @atlasbishoparts (4-6pm)
AwShucks Greenville - $5 off Oysters, $3 Beers, $5 Margs @awshucks_dfw (3-6pm)
Baboush - $4 Beer, $5 Wine, $6 Wells, $7 Cocktails + Small Bites @baboushdallas (2-6pm)
Bacchus Kitchen + Bar - $5 Beers, $6 Wines, $7 Wells, $5 Off Apps @BacchusTX (3:30-6pm)
Bryan Street Tavern - $1 Off Wells, $1 Off Drafts @bryanstreettavernbar (4-7pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Chelsea Corner - $6 Beers, $6.50 Wine + Calls, $12 Pizzas @chelseacornerdallas (4-6:30pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, Deals on Sushi & Rolls @deepsushi (All Day)
Desperados - $3 Wells & Beers, $4 House Margs (11am-7pm)
DL Mack's - Bar/Patio Only -Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (3-6pm)
Drake's - Bar Only - Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (4-6pm)
Electric Shuffle - $7 Craft Cocktails @electricshuffleusa (3-6pm)
Happiest Hour - $5 Pints, $6 Wells, $7 Wines + Bites @happiesthourdal (4-7pm)
Harwood Arms - $5 Wells, $6 Bites, Wine & Cocktails @harwoodarmsdallas (4-7pm)
Haywire - $8 Wine, $6 Frozen TX Tea, $6 Bites @haywireuptown @haywireplano (2-6pm)
Hide Bar - $6 Beers, $7 Cocktails, $8 Wines, + Discounted Bites @hidebar (3-6pm)
Hoffbrau Steak & Grill House - $3 Beer, $4 Wine, 1/2 Off Apps @hoffbrausteaks (3:45-7pm)
Hudson House - 1/2 Price Martinis + Wine, $3 Oysters, $10 Burgers @thehudsonhouse (3-6pm)
Jaxon - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines, $7 Cocktails & Frozens (4-6pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
Las Palmas - $7.50 Cocktails, $8.25 Hearty Bites @laspalmastexmex (2-6pm)
Lombardi Cucina - 1/2 Priced Martinis & Oysters @lombardicucina (4-6pm)
Mercat Bistro - $3 Beer, $6 Bites + Wines + Martinis @mercatbistro (2:30-6pm)
Mesero - $2 off cocktails + $2 off apps @meserorestaurants (3-5pm)
Ocean Prime - Drinks Specials, 1/2 Off Sushi + Apps (4-6pm)
Odelay - $10 Ritas, $3 Off Wine, $1 Off Beers, + Discounted Bites (3-6pm)
Poco Fiasco - $3 Beer, $4 Apps, $5 Wine, $9 Martinis + Martini Madness @pocofiasco (3-6pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-7p, 10-Close)
RJ Mexican Cuisine - $5 Margaritas + Daily Food Specials (11am-6pm)
Royal 38 - $1 Off All Beer & Wine, Discounted Bites @royal38official (3-6pm)
Sky Blossom - $1 off Beer and Wells, $2 off Wine, Discounted Apps @skyblossomrooftop(3-6pm)
Sloane’s Corner - $4 Beers, $8 Cocktails + Wines, Discounted Apps @sloanescorner (2-6pm)
Stratos Bar & Grill - $3 Margs & Wells, $5 Apps @stratos_bar_and_grill (4-7pm)
Sundown at Granada - $4 Draft, $6 Craft Cocktail + House Wine @sundownatgranada (11a-6p)
Te Deseo - $5 Beer & Wine, $7 Small Bites + Cocktails @tedeseodal (5-7pm)
The Nodding Donkey - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines & Wells, $6.50 Apps @thenoddingdonkey (4-7pm)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
The Skellig - $7 House Cocktails, $1 Off Hot Drinks (4-7pm)
Thunderbird Station - $3 Domestics + Shots, $5 Peel-Outs @thunderbirdstation (4-7p, 11p-2am)
Toller Patio - $3 Draft Beer, $5 Wells, $6 Cocktails + Bites starting at $5 @tollerpatio (12-7pm)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Uncle Julio's - $5 Margaritas + $1 Off Beer & Wine (3-6pm)
Atlas Bishop Arts - $5 Bites + Lonestar Lager, $7 Cocktails @atlasbishoparts (4-6pm)
AwShucks Greenville - $5 off Oysters, $3 Beers, $5 Margs @awshucks_dfw (3-6pm)
Baboush - $4 Beer, $5 Wine, $6 Wells, $7 Cocktails + Small Bites @baboushdallas (2-6pm)
Blue Mesa Grill - $5 Large Blue Margs, $5 Wells, $2 Tacos @bluemesagrill (3-6:30pm)
Bacchus Kitchen + Bar - $5 Beers, $6 Wines, $7 Wells, $5 Off Apps @BacchusTX (3:30-6pm)
Bryan Street Tavern - $1 Off Wells, $1 Off Drafts @bryanstreettavernbar (4-7pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Chelsea Corner - $6 Beers, $6.50 Wine + Calls, $12 Pizzas @chelseacornerdallas (4-6:30pm)
Dahlia on Ross - $5 Beers + Wells, $6 Dahliasl, $7 Flatbreads + Wines @dahliaonross (4-6pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, $2 Off Cocktails, Sushi & Roll Deals @deepsushi (4-7pm)
Desperados - $3 Wells & Beers, $4 House Margs (11am-7pm)
DL Mack's - Bar/Patio Only -Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (3-6pm)
Drake's - Bar Only - Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (4-6pm)
Electric Shuffle - $7 Craft Cocktails @electricshuffleusa (3-6pm)
Happiest Hour - $5 Pints, $6 Wells, $7 Wines + Bites @happiesthourdal (4-7pm)
Harwood Arms - $5 Wells, $6 Bites, Wine & Cocktails @harwoodarmsdallas (4-7pm)
Haywire - $8 Wine, $6 Frozen TX Tea, $6 Bites @haywireuptown @haywireplano (2-6pm)
Hide Bar - $6 Beers, $7 Cocktails, $8 Wines, + Discounted Bites @hidebar (3-6pm)
Hoffbrau Steak & Grill House - $3 Beer, $4 Wine, 1/2 Off Apps @hoffbrausteaks (3:45-7pm)
Hudson House - 1/2 Price Martinis + Wine, $3 Oysters, $10 Burgers @thehudsonhouse (3-6pm)
Jaxon - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines, $7 Cocktails & Frozens (4-6pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
Las Palmas - $7.50 Cocktails, $8.25 Hearty Bites @laspalmastexmex (2-6pm)
Lombardi Cucina - 1/2 Priced Martinis & Oysters @lombardicucina (4-6pm)
Mercat Bistro - $3 Beer, $6 Bites + Wines + Martinis @mercatbistro (2:30-6pm)
Mesero - $2 off cocktails + $2 off apps @meserorestaurants (3-5pm)
Ocean Prime - Drinks Specials, 1/2 Off Sushi + Apps (4-6pm)
Odelay - $10 Ritas, $3 Off Wine, $1 Off Beers, + Discounted Bites (3-6pm)
Off the Cuff - 1/2 Off Large Formats + Specialty Cocktails, $6 Bites @offthecuffdallas (5-8pm)
Poco Fiasco - $3 Beer, $4 Apps, $5 Wine, $9 Martinis + Martini Madness @pocofiasco (3-6pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-7p, 10-Close)
RJ Mexican Cuisine - $5 Margaritas + Daily Food Specials (11am-6pm)
Royal 38 - $1 Off All Beer & Wine, Discounted Bites @royal38official (3-6pm)
SER Steaks + Spirits - $10 Signature Cocktails + Premium Wines @sersteakspirits (5-6:30pm)
Sky Blossom - $1 off Beer and Wells, $2 off Wine, Discounted Apps @skyblossomrooftop(3-6pm)
Sloane’s Corner - $4 Beers, $8 Cocktails + Wines, Discounted Apps @sloanescorner (2-6pm)
Stratos Bar & Grill - $3 Margs & Wells, $5 Apps @stratos_bar_and_grill (4-7pm)
Sundown at Granada - $4 Draft, $6 Craft Cocktail + House Wine @sundownatgranada (11a-6p)
Te Deseo - $5 Beer & Wine, $7 Small Bites + Cocktails @tedeseodal (5-7pm)
The Nodding Donkey - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines & Wells, $6.50 Apps @thenoddingdonkey (4-7pm)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
The Skellig - $7 House Cocktails, $1 Off Hot Drinks (4-7pm)
Thunderbird Station - $3 Domestics + Shots, $5 Peel-Outs @thunderbirdstation (4-7p, 11p-2am)
Toller Patio - $3 Draft Beer, $5 Wells, $6 Cocktails + Bites starting at $5 @tollerpatio (12-7pm)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Uncle Julio's - $5 Margaritas + $1 Off Beer & Wine (3-6pm)
Atlas Bishop Arts - $5 Bites + Lonestar Lager, $7 Cocktails @atlasbishoparts (4-6pm)
AwShucks Greenville - $5 off Oysters, $3 Beers, $5 Margs @awshucks_dfw (3-6pm)
Baboush - $4 Beer, $5 Wine, $6 Wells, $7 Cocktails + Small Bites @baboushdallas (2-6pm)
Blue Mesa Grill - $5 Large Blue Margs, $5 Wells, $2 Tacos @bluemesagrill (3-6:30pm)
Bacchus Kitchen + Bar - $5 Beers, $6 Wines, $7 Wells, $5 Off Apps @BacchusTX (3:30-6pm)
Bryan Street Tavern - $1 Off Wells, $1 Off Drafts @bryanstreettavernbar (4-7pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Chelsea Corner - $6 Beers, $6.50 Wine + Calls, $12 Pizzas @chelseacornerdallas (4-6:30pm)
Dahlia on Ross - $5 Beers + Wells, $6 Dahliasl, $7 Flatbreads + Wines @dahliaonross (4-6pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, $2 Off Cocktails, Sushi & Roll Deals @deepsushi (4-7pm)
Desperados - $3 Margaritas, Wells, & Beers (11am-7pm)
DL Mack's - Bar/Patio Only -Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (3-6pm)
Drake's - Bar Only - Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (4-6pm)
Electric Shuffle - $7 Craft Cocktails @electricshuffleusa (3-6pm)
Elephant East - $3 Beers, $7 Wine, $8 Cocktails, + $3-5 Apps @elephanteastdal (5-7pm)
Happiest Hour - $5 Pints, $6 Wells, $7 Wines + Bites @happiesthourdal (4-7pm)
Harwood Arms - $5 Wells, $6 Bites, Wine & Cocktails @harwoodarmsdallas (4-7pm)
Haywire - $8 Wine, $6 Frozen TX Tea, $6 Bites @haywireuptown @haywireplano (2-6pm)
Hide Bar - $6 Beers, $7 Cocktails, $8 Wines, + Discounted Bites @hidebar (3-6pm)
Hoffbrau Steak & Grill House - $3 Beer, $4 Wine, 1/2 Off Apps @hoffbrausteaks (3:45-7pm)
Hudson House - 1/2 Price Martinis + Wine, $3 Oysters, $10 Burgers @thehudsonhouse (3-6pm)
Jaxon - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines, $7 Cocktails & Frozens (4-6pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
Las Palmas - $7.50 Cocktails, $8.25 Hearty Bites @laspalmastexmex (2-6pm)
Lombardi Cucina - 1/2 Priced Martinis & Oysters @lombardicucina (4-6pm)
Mercat Bistro - $3 Beer, $6 Bites + Wines + Martinis @mercatbistro (2:30-6pm)
Mesero - $2 off cocktails + $2 off apps @meserorestaurants (3-5pm)
Ocean Prime - Drinks Specials, 1/2 Off Sushi + Apps (4-6pm)
Odelay - $10 Ritas, $3 Off Wine, $1 Off Beers, + Discounted Bites (3-6pm)
Off the Cuff - 1/2 Off Large Formats + Specialty Cocktails, $6 Bites @offthecuffdallas (5-8pm)
Poco Fiasco - $3 Beer, $4 Apps, $5 Wine, $9 Martinis + Martini Madness @pocofiasco (3-6pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-7p, 10-Close)
RJ Mexican Cuisine - $5 Margaritas + Daily Food Specials (11am-6pm)
Royal 38 - $1 Off All Beer & Wine, Discounted Bites @royal38official (3-6pm)
SER Steaks + Spirits - $10 Signature Cocktails + Premium Wines @sersteakspirits (5-6:30pm)
Sky Blossom - $1 off Beer and Wells, $2 off Wine, Discounted Apps @skyblossomrooftop(3-6pm)
Sloane’s Corner - $4 Beers, $8 Cocktails + Wines, Discounted Apps @sloanescorner (2-6pm)
Stratos Bar & Grill - $3 Margs & Wells, $5 Apps @stratos_bar_and_grill (4-7pm)
Sundown at Granada - $4 Draft, $6 Craft Cocktail + House Wine @sundownatgranada (11a-6p)
Te Deseo - $5 Beer & Wine, $7 Small Bites + Cocktails @tedeseodal (5-7pm)
The Nodding Donkey - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines & Wells, $6.50 Apps @thenoddingdonkey (4-7pm)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
The Skellig - $7 House Cocktails, $1 Off Hot Drinks (4-7pm)
Thunderbird Station - $3 Domestics + Shots, $5 Peel-Outs @thunderbirdstation (4-7p, 11p-2am)
Toller Patio - $3 Draft Beer, $5 Wells, $6 Cocktails + Bites starting at $5 @tollerpatio (12-7pm)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Uncle Julio's - $5 Margaritas + $1 Off Beer & Wine (3-6pm)
Atlas Bishop Arts - $5 Bites + Lonestar Lager, $7 Cocktails @atlasbishoparts (4-6pm)
AwShucks Greenville - $5 off Oysters, $3 Beers, $5 Margs @awshucks_dfw (3-6pm)
Baboush - $4 Beer, $5 Wine, $6 Wells, $7 Cocktails + Small Bites @baboushdallas (2-6pm)
Blue Mesa Grill - $5 Large Blue Margs, $5 Wells, $2 Tacos @bluemesagrill (3-6:30pm)
Bacchus Kitchen + Bar - $5 Beers, $6 Wines, $7 Wells, $5 Off Apps @BacchusTX (3:30-6pm)
Bryan Street Tavern - $1 Off Wells, $1 Off Drafts @bryanstreettavernbar (4-7pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Chelsea Corner - $6 Beers, $6.50 Wine + Calls, $12 Pizzas @chelseacornerdallas (4-6:30pm)
Dahlia on Ross - $5 Beers + Wells, $6 Dahliasl, $7 Flatbreads + Wines @dahliaonross (4-6pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, $2 Off Cocktails, Sushi & Roll Deals @deepsushi (4-7pm)
Desperados - $3 Wells & Beers, $4 House Margs (11am-7pm)
DL Mack's - Bar/Patio Only -Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (3-6pm)
Drake's - Bar Only - Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (4-6pm)
Electric Shuffle - $7 Craft Cocktails @electricshuffleusa (3-6pm)
Elephant East - $3 Beers, $7 Wine, $8 Cocktails, + $3-5 Apps @elephanteastdal (5-7pm)
Happiest Hour - $5 Pints, $6 Wells, $7 Wines + Bites @happiesthourdal (4-7pm)
Harwood Arms - $5 Wells, $6 Bites, Wine & Cocktails @harwoodarmsdallas (4-7pm)
Haywire - $8 Wine, $6 Frozen TX Tea, $6 Bites @haywireuptown @haywireplano (2-6pm)
Hide Bar - $6 Beers, $7 Cocktails, $8 Wines, + Discounted Bites @hidebar (3-6pm)
High Fives - $5 Sandwiches, Beer, Wine & Cocktails @highfivesdallas (4-8pm)
Hoffbrau Steak & Grill House - $3 Beer, $4 Wine, 1/2 Off Apps @hoffbrausteaks (3:45-7pm)
Hudson House - 1/2 Price Martinis + Wine, $3 Oysters, $10 Burgers @thehudsonhouse (3-6pm)
Jaxon - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines, $7 Cocktails & Frozens (4-6pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
Las Palmas - $7.50 Cocktails, $8.25 Hearty Bites @laspalmastexmex (2-6pm)
Lombardi Cucina - 1/2 Priced Martinis & Oysters @lombardicucina (4-6pm)
Mercat Bistro - $3 Beer, $6 Bites + Wines + Martinis @mercatbistro (2:30-6pm)
Mesero - $2 off cocktails + $2 off apps @meserorestaurants (3-5pm)
Ocean Prime - Drinks Specials, 1/2 Off Sushi + Apps (4-6pm)
Odelay - $10 Ritas, $3 Off Wine, $1 Off Beers, + Discounted Bites (3-6pm)
Off the Cuff - 1/2 Off Large Formats + Specialty Cocktails, $6 Bites @offthecuffdallas (5-8pm)
Poco Fiasco - $3 Beer, $4 Apps, $5 Wine, $9 Martinis + Martini Madness @pocofiasco (3-6pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-7p, 10-Close)
RJ Mexican Cuisine - $5 Margaritas + Daily Food Specials (11am-6pm)
Royal 38 - $1 Off All Beer & Wine, Discounted Bites @royal38official (3-6pm)
Saint Ann - $5 Wines & Beers, $7 Bites, $10 Cocktails @saintanndallas (3-5pm)
SER Steaks + Spirits - $10 Signature Cocktails + Premium Wines @sersteakspirits (5-6:30pm)
Sky Blossom - $1 off Beer and Wells, $2 off Wine, Discounted Apps @skyblossomrooftop(3-6pm)
Sloane’s Corner - $4 Beers, $8 Cocktails + Wines, Discounted Apps @sloanescorner (2-6pm)
Stratos Bar & Grill - $3 Margs & Wells, $5 Apps @stratos_bar_and_grill (4-7pm)
Sundown at Granada - $4 Draft, $6 Craft Cocktail + House Wine @sundownatgranada (11a-6p)
Te Deseo - $5 Beer & Wine, $7 Small Bites + Cocktails @tedeseodal (5-7pm)
The Nodding Donkey - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines & Wells, $6.50 Apps @thenoddingdonkey (4-7pm)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
The Skellig - $7 House Cocktails, $1 Off Hot Drinks (4-7pm)
Thunderbird Station - $3 Domestics + Shots, $5 Peel-Outs @thunderbirdstation (4-7p, 11p-2am)
Toller Patio - $3 Draft Beer, $5 Wells, $6 Cocktails + Bites starting at $5 @tollerpatio (12-7pm)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Uncle Julio's - $5 Margaritas + $1 Off Beer & Wine (3-6pm)
Yellow Rosa - $4 Beers, $6 Cocktails + Bites @yellowrosa.de (4:30-6:30pm)
Atlas Bishop Arts - $5 Bites + Lonestar Lager, $7 Cocktails @atlasbishoparts (4-6pm)
AwShucks Greenville - $5 off Oysters, $3 Beers, $5 Margs @awshucks_dfw (3-6pm)
Baboush - $4 Beer, $5 Wine, $6 Wells, $7 Cocktails + Small Bites @baboushdallas (2-6pm)
Blue Mesa Grill - $5 Large Blue Margs, $5 Wells, $2 Tacos @bluemesagrill (3-6:30pm)
Bacchus Kitchen + Bar - $5 Beers, $6 Wines, $7 Wells, $5 Off Apps @BacchusTX (3:30-6pm)
Bryan Street Tavern - $1 Off Wells, $1 Off Drafts @bryanstreettavernbar (4-7pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Chelsea Corner - $6 Beers, $6.50 Wine + Calls, $12 Pizzas @chelseacornerdallas (4-6:30pm)
Dahlia on Ross - $5 Beers + Wells, $6 Dahliasl, $7 Flatbreads + Wines @dahliaonross (4-6pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, $2 Off Cocktails, Sushi & Roll Deals @deepsushi (4-7pm)
Desperados - $3 Wells & Beers, $4 House Margs (11am-7pm)
DL Mack's - Bar/Patio Only -Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (3-6pm)
Drake's - Bar Only - Half Priced House Martinis and Wine by the glass, $10 cheeseburgers (4-6pm)
Electric Shuffle - $7 Craft Cocktails @electricshuffleusa (3-6pm)
Elephant East - $3 Beers, $7 Wine, $8 Cocktails, + $3-5 Apps @elephanteastdal (5-7pm)
Harwood Arms - $5 Wells, $6 Bites, Wine & Cocktails @harwoodarmsdallas (4-7pm)
Haywire - $8 Wine, $6 Frozen TX Tea, $6 Bites @haywireuptown @haywireplano (2-6pm)
Hide Bar - $6 Beers, $7 Cocktails, $8 Wines, + Discounted Bites @hidebar (3-6pm)
High Fives - $5 Sandwiches, Beer, Wine & Cocktails @highfivesdallas (4-8pm)
Hoffbrau Steak & Grill House - $3 Beer, $4 Wine, 1/2 Off Apps @hoffbrausteaks (3:45-7pm)
Hudson House - 1/2 Price Martinis + Wine, $3 Oysters, $10 Burgers @thehudsonhouse (3-6pm)
Jaxon - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines, $7 Cocktails & Frozens (4-6pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
Las Palmas - $7.50 Cocktails, $8.25 Hearty Bites @laspalmastexmex (2-6pm)
Lombardi Cucina - 1/2 Priced Martinis & Oysters @lombardicucina (4-6pm)
Mercat Bistro - $3 Beer, $6 Bites + Wines + Martinis @mercatbistro (2:30-6pm)
Ocean Prime - Drinks Specials, 1/2 Off Sushi + Apps (4-6pm)
Off the Cuff - 1/2 Off Large Formats + Specialty Cocktails, $6 Bites @offthecuffdallas (5-8pm)
Poco Fiasco - $3 Beer, $4 Apps, $5 Wine, $9 Martinis + Martini Madness @pocofiasco (3-6pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-7p, 10-Close)
RJ Mexican Cuisine - $5 Margaritas + Daily Food Specials (11am-6pm)
Royal 38 - $1 Off All Beer & Wine, Discounted Bites @royal38official (3-6pm)
Saint Ann - $5 Wines & Beers, $7 Bites, $10 Cocktails @saintanndallas (3-5pm)
Sky Blossom - $1 off Beer and Wells, $2 off Wine, Discounted Apps @skyblossomrooftop(3-6pm)
Sloane’s Corner - $4 Beers, $8 Cocktails + Wines, Discounted Apps @sloanescorner (2-6pm)
Stratos Bar & Grill - $3 Margs & Wells, $5 Apps @stratos_bar_and_grill (4-7pm)
Sundown at Granada - $4 Draft, $6 Craft Cocktail + House Wine @sundownatgranada (11a-6p)
The Nodding Donkey - $4 Drafts, $5 Wines & Wells, $6.50 Apps @thenoddingdonkey (4-7pm)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
The Skellig - $7 House Cocktails, $1 Off Hot Drinks (4-7pm)
Thunderbird Station - $3 Domestics + Shots, $5 Peel-Outs @thunderbirdstation (4-7p, 11p-2am)
Toller Patio - $3 Draft Beer, $5 Wells, $6 Cocktails + Bites starting at $5 @tollerpatio (12-7pm)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Yellow Rosa - $4 Beers, $6 Cocktails + Bites @yellowrosa.de (4:30-6:30pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, $2 Off Cocktails, Sushi & Roll Deals @deepsushi (3-5pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-7p, 10-Close)
Saint Ann - $5 Wines & Beers, $7 Bites, $10 Cocktails @saintanndallas (3-5pm)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Bowen House - $4 Texas Beers, $7 Cocktails, and discounted food (4-6pm)
Bowl & Barrel - $3 Drinks + $3 Bites at 3pm, $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm @bowlandbarrel (3-6pm)
Deep Sushi - $5 House Sake + Wine, $2 Off Cocktails, Sushi & Roll Deals @deepsushi (3-5pm)
Desperados - $3 Wells & Beers, $4 House Margs (All Day)
Elephant East - $3 Beers, $7 Wine, $8 Cocktails, + $3-5 Apps @elephanteastdal (5-7pm)
Jaxon - $4 Drafts (4-11pm)
Joe Leo - $5 House Ritas, Beers, Select Bites, + Cocktail of the Month @joeleotexmex (3-6pm)
La Neta - $5 Beers, $9 Bites + Select Cocktails (4-7pm)
Poco Fiasco - $3 Beer, $4 Apps, $5 Wine, $9 Martinis + Martini Madness @pocofiasco (3-6pm)
RA Sushi - Drink Specials + Discounted Shareables + Specialty Rolls (3-Close)
Sundown at Granada - $4 Draft, $6 Craft Cocktail + House Wine @sundownatgranada (4-10p)
The Rustic - $4 Beer, $5 Select Cocktails + Bites, 1/2 Priced Wine @therusticdallas (3-6pm)
Thunderbird Station - $3 Domestics + Shots, $5 Peel-Outs @thunderbirdstation (4-7p, 11p-2am)
Trulucks - 1/2 Off All Liquor, Beer, & Wine, Discounted Apps (4-6pm)
Did we miss your favorite happy hour? Please let us know via e-mail.